Recent independent studies have ranked the ACFN ATM Franchise amongst the top high performing companies in the U.S.
You are staying in a hotel and need cash. The front desk clerk directs you to an automated teller machine in the hotel. Chances are it’s an American Consumer Financial Network ATM. The company provides financial services and transaction processing solutions, with a national network of onsite ATMs in hotels and other travel and entertainment-based businesses. The innovative ACFN (American Consumer Financial Network) announces its inclusion in the top 300 franchise opportunities for 2010 by AllStar AllBusiness. The honors include top ranking in three categories: growth, financial strength and general listing.
Unlike other companies in the industry, ACFN owns and controls the ATMs and does not charge fees to the businesses hosting the machines. Franchisees receive training on how to construct, own, and operate onsite ATMs. ACFN also provides ATM processing, network, administrative, marketing, and other types of support.
“These awards are a tremendous validation for a young, innovative company from Silicon Valley,” says Jeff Kerr, Founder and President of ACFN.
The national recognition that ACFN has gained is rightfully earned as the company expands its interests to provide services at more than 1,200 locations in North America.
According to Allstar, the company’s growth wasn’t meager — in 2009, one of the toughest years in recent history, ACFN increased its number of units by more than 20 percent and improved its financial health ranking from #124 to #97 this year.
Inclusion on the Allstar Allbusiness list, a subsidiary of Dun & Bradstreet brand is not an easy task. After a daunting year of economic recession in 2009, many longstanding, established franchise companies have been unable to maintain their top 300 ranking.
ACFN’s ability to secure a place on this elite list of companies is a testament to their innovation and prospective strength as a franchise company.
ACFN is also ranked 64th on the Inc. Magazine listing of Top 100 Business Products & Services for 2009 and ranked 374th on the Inc. Magazine listing of Fastest Growing Private Companies and recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine as one of the “Fast 50” Franchise Companies”. Franchise amongst the top high performing companies in the U.S.
American Consumer Financial Network