The U.S. manufacturing sector accounted for 23 % of all mass layoff events and 27% of initial unemployment benefit claims filed in March 2010. Nationally ranked, ACFN ATM Franchise offers the opportunity to get off the line and start a business.
The manufacturing sector continues to take it on the chin with layoffs in that industry accounting for more than a quarter of the men and women applying for unemployment benefits for the first time.
The Department of Labor’s May 11th report of industry specific statistics stated 128,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in March 2010.
Economic forecasters do not expect the one million jobs lost in the recession, in the auto, steel, furniture and other manufacturing industries, to return.
More than 450 jobs are being eliminated as Whirlpool Corp. ends a production shift at an Evansville factory that is being shut down in June. Whirlpool announced last year that it would shut down the 1,100-worker refrigerator factory and move production to Mexico.
Angry participants of the website’s “talk back” section offered “Appliances made in Asia and Mexico come with far less crushing tax burden, abusive union contracts, and high operating expenses". Check the labels at your local appliance store. Americans do not buy "Made in America", they buy what they can afford. The more jobs exported, the less they can afford.
Like an umbrella in this rain of manufacturing pink slips, a San Jose, CA business is offering the hope of the bright future off the assembly line. The American Consumer Financial Network (ACFN) is an ATM business that extends an opportunity to individuals from all walks of life, the ability to own and operate their own business.
For a reasonable fee, new business owners receive training, and the backing of an experienced group of marketing and sales people to get a boost into the business world.
ACFN is the only ATM Franchise in North America and appeals to people from every walk of life. In fact, the highest grossing machine in the ACFN ATM network belongs to a retired California public school teacher.
With the economic downturn, ACFN has kept their franchise fees cost effective, to accommodate those who are in search of a way to increase their nest egg as they plan for the future.
President and Founder Jeff Kerr says that his business offers laid off manufacturing employees countrywide the opportunity to weather the storm, “As a business owner since 1986, I am very aware of how effected the manufacturing industry has been by this recent recession. The unemployment numbers are terrible and have forced many people to re-think how they plan for a better future.”
Kerr urges anyone with a desire to develop an independent income to stabilize their future to explore the options ACFN has to offer. They might find a long term answer to their problem, and with it, the tools to build a successful business.
Franchise Fees are reasonably priced and start at $25,000
The Company also provides a comprehensive training program at their headquarters in San Jose, California and the best ongoing customer service that can only be described as second to none